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Job Description for President

  • Create a strategic vision for their chapter based on LAAIA National vision and mission

  • Provides leadership to their individual chapter

  • Oversee board and executive committee meetings

  • Oversee that all board resolutions are carried out

  • Attend all board meetings, committee meetings, functions, and special events

  • Represents the Chapter at LAAIA National meetings

  • Prepare agenda for board meetings

  • Conduct new board member orientation and annual planning session

  • Appoint all committee chairpersons

  • Works with the Nominating Committee to recruit new board members

  • Acts as the spokesperson for the organization

  • Periodically consults with board members on their roles and helps them assess their performance

  • Represent the Chapter during their Presidency in several events throughout your jurisdiction

  • Participates in advocacy for their individual city, county, and state once the chapter has a legislative committee formed

  • Executes all contracts and agreements to which the chapter is named

  • Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies

  • Inform others about the organization and commit to signing up 2 new members a year or $1,500 in sponsorship for the year

  • Must have a valid agent license

Job Description for Vice President

  • Attend all board meetings, committee meetings, functions, and special events

  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the President

  • Understand the responsibilities of the President and be able to perform these duties in the absence of the President and Immediate Past President

  • Acts as an alternate spokesperson for the organization

  • Inform others about the organization and commit to signing up 2 new members a year or $1,500 in sponsorship for the year

  • Serve as the Chapter Liaison with all communications with LAAIA National

  • Serve on the Executive Committee

  • Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies

  • Participation is a vital part of the board leadership

  • Must have a valid agent license

Job Description for Treasurer

  • Attend all board meetings, committee meetings, functions, and special events

  • Serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee

  • Exercise supervision of the Chapter’s financial affairs, and have charge of the records and books of account

  • Make a written financial report to the Board at its regular meetings

  • Collect revenue, make deposits, and make disbursements for approved Chapter expenses

  • Performs a monthly bank reconciliation

  • Daily monitors the Fraud Inspector on the chapter's Online Banking account

  • Oversees all matters relating to insurance, taxes, bonds, instruments, and papers involving financial transactions

  • Provides monthly financial reports to LAAIA National

  • Presents the annual budget for approval

  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the President

  • Serve on the Executive Committee

  • Inform others about the organization and commit to signing up 2 new members a year or $1,500 in sponsorship for the year

  • Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies

  • Participation is a vital part of the board leadership

  • Must have a valid agent license

Job Description for Secretary

  • Attend all board meetings, committee meetings, functions, and special events

  • Take Minutes at all Board and special meetings, and record all acts and proceedings of the Chapter.

  • Provide Chapter President with the final copy of the Minutes to be distributed to all board members at least one week prior to the board meeting for approval

  • Carry out special assignments as requested by the President

  • Serve on the Executive Committee

  • Inform others about the organization and commit to signing up 2 new members a year or $1,500 in sponsorship for the year

  • Understand the responsibilities of the President and be able to perform these duties in the absence of President, Immediate Past President, Vice President, and Treasurer

  • Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies

  • Participation is a vital part of the board leadership

  • Must have a valid agent license

Job Description for Director

  • Attend all board meetings, committee meetings, functions, and special events

  • Be informed about the organization’s mission, services, policies, and programs

  • Serve on committees or task forces and offer to take on special assignments

  • Inform others about the organization and commit to signing up 2 new members a year or $1,500 in sponsorship for the year

  • Keep up-to-date on developments in the organization’s field

  • Follow conflict-of-interest and confidentiality policies

  • Carry out any special projects as assigned by the President

  • Participation is a vital part of the board

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